Orange Sugar Palmiers

Pretty much every bakery in Karachi sells Palmiers or French Hearts. They are one of those things that I can rarely resist picking up when I am back in Karachi, but am frequently disappointed by. The thing is they are just a little… boring you know?

Orange Sugar Palmiers

In one of my recent nostalgic moods I pulled out a sheet of all butter puff pastry from my freezer and looked around for inspiration. It came quickly in the form of two lackluster oranges lying in my fruit bowl. Remember the citrus sugar I had made for beignets? I zested the oranges, rubbed the zest into some granulated sugar, added a teensy bit of salt and wow, these were really good. The orange zest brightens the flavor of these flaky petite puff pastry treats and transforms them into something extraordinary.

They’re also really pretty (if I do say so myself) and would make great hostess gifts or a very welcome addition to the usual smorgasbord of Christmas cookies.

Orange Sugar Palmiers
Makes 25-30

1 sheet all butter puff pastry
3/4 cup sugar
zest of one large orange or two small ones
1/8 tsp salt

Zest the orange(s) right into a bowl with the sugar and salt. Rub the zest into the sugar with your fingers until the sugar is a little moist and the zest has thoroughly perfumed the sugar. Yes, I just like saying zest over and over.

Spread half the sugar on a chopping board and place your sheet of puff pastry on top. Roll it out horizontally so that the sheet stretches by another inch or two and the sugar gets embedded on the underside of the sheet. Now sprinkle sugar over the top of the sheet so as to cover it (I had some left in the bowl).

Now quickly and firmly, fold and press the puff pastry sheet in half lengthwise like in the picture.

Orange Sugar Palmiers

Gently press and then repeat so that it looks like this.

Orange Sugar Palmiers

Fold over.

Freeze. Really, cutting it is so much faster when the puff pastry has had a chance to harden again. If yo tu don’t have time to throw it in for fifteen minutes then just be extra careful when you cut it.

Orange Sugar Palmiers

Preheat the oven to 425, line a baking sheet with a silicon mat or parchment paper. When the oven has preheated pull out your puff pastry log and slice into pieces that are between 1/8 to 1/4 inch. Carefully pick and spread out the palmiers on to your baking sheet and put the ones your aren’t baking just yet back in the fridge. Bake for 4-6 minutes. I find they bake faster with parchment, slower with silpat so keep an eye on your first batch. Lift one at the edges to check and see if they are golden brown underneath at 4 minutes. Tops  will be a little pasty looking.

Orange Sugar Palmiers

Flip over and bake for another 3-4 minutes to golden perfection.

Orange Sugar Palmiers

Okay so here is a quick cheat – if after the first 4-6 minutes your palmiers are spreading apart too much (not folded tight enough) then go ahead and gingerly press them together. The melting sugar will help them  come together a little better.


When they have cooled a little move them to a wire rack to dry – if you want you can sprinkle them with more orange sugar at this point.

Orange Sugar Palmiers

Enjoy with tea, coffee, or milk just like my kindergartner did 🙂

Orange Sugar Palmiers

26 thoughts on “Orange Sugar Palmiers

  1. Oh, I didn’t know palmiers were so popular in Karachi! In Germany, they’re almost always sold dipped half into couverture. I much prefer them like that. Without I agree, they’re a bit boring. Unfortunately, they’re hardly sold anymore! Your version sounds delicious!

      • Sorry for the late answer, hope you had a wonderful Christmas! Yeah chocolate dipped palmiers are [or used to be] very popular in Germany. In France, you can find palmiers everywhere too but the chocolate variant is much less common

  2. You know what Sarah, funnily, later on the same day that you published this post another blog that I follow, Korena in the kitchen, published another take on palmiers – cocoa cinnamon ones! You can check it out here if you are curious:
    I think your orange sugared ones dipped in chocolate would be extra nice, orange + chocolate go so well together!

  3. Ahhh Khara Biscuits! lolollll
    Dude I love palmiers! My dad used to call them Bakar Khaani and he lovedddd them! I love the addition of orange sugar, Ms.FancyPants l)

  4. Oh my gosh!! We call these Pakistani jelabi…I have eaten a tonne of these growing up! So happy to have come across this recipe (you know, for a day when I may feel like braving some puff pastry baking…) and I would definitely try the orange take on it! Will share this recipe on my pages – thanks!

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